
Country: Montenegro  Region: Europe
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Podgorica Info

Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro.


Besides being a capital of Montenegro, Podgorica is also the country's largest city, having a population of some 150,000 people. The city is situated in central Montenegro, in the scarce Montenegrin lowlands between Dinaric Alps and Lake Scutari.
Area of Podgorica has been continuously inhabited since the Illyrian and Roman era, with settlement on the site of today's Podgorica being firmly established during Ottoman Empire rule. Podgorica was reincorporated in Montenegro in 1878, when the city started to take a more European shape. Nazi and Allied bombings during World War II destroyed much of the historical Ottoman and Montenegro-era Podgorica architecture, and city was reborn as a capital of Montenegro in Socialist Yugoslavia (SFRY). The city was then rebuilt and expanded in a manner typical of Eastern bloc countries, so it is mostly a modern planned city, and by no means a principal sightseeing destination.
While not a typical European eye candy, the is city definitely worth visiting, owing to its interesting mix of old and new, its café culture and nightlife, and laid back Mediterranean atmosphere. Both Montenegrin coastal cities and its mountain resorts are within one hour drive from the city, so it is an excellent starting point for one day trips to anywhere in Montenegro.

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