
Country: Malawi  Region: Africa
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Lilongwe Info

Lilongwe is the capital of Malawi.
The capital of Malawi, but not its largest city (that honour belongs to Blantyre), Lilongwe is fairly reasonably sized with a population of about 250,000. It's a very green city, to the extent that sometimes you wonder if there is a city centre at all as buildings in the new town at least are divided by patches of grassy land and trees.


Lilongwe is divided into the Old Town (to the South) and the New Town (to the North) with the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary between the two. The Old Town is built around the former village of Lilongwe, while the New Town (also called City Centre or Capital City) sprung up after first president Dr. Hastings Banda moved the capital from Zomba to Lilongwe. The quality of the roads is excellent compared to countries like Kenya and traffic doesn't tend to be too much of a problem at all.

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